Cant find a product

If you are unable to locate a specific product on our platform, please follow these steps:

1. Send an email to with the subject line "Product Inquiry."
2. In the email, provide detailed information about the product you are searching for, including its name, description, brand (if known), and any other relevant details.
3. If possible, attach a photo or provide a link to the product to aid our team in locating it.
4. Include your contact information, including your name and email address, so that we can follow up with you regarding the inquiry.
5. Our team will promptly review your request and undertake efforts to locate the desired product within our platform or through our network of suppliers.
6. We will communicate with you via email to provide updates on our progress and inform you of any potential options or alternatives.
7. If the product is not available in our current inventory, we may suggest alternative solutions or offer to source it for you through our channels.
8. Once the product is located or alternative arrangements are made, we will guide you through the next steps, including purchasing and delivery options.

Thank you for reaching out to indiaglobalconnect. We are committed to assisting you in finding the products you need and ensuring your satisfaction with our services.