Send gift to India

If you're looking to send gifts to your friends and relatives in India from abroad, we've got you covered. Simply follow these steps:

1. Reach out to us via email at with the subject line "Gift Delivery Inquiry."
2. In your email, provide details about the gifts you'd like to send, including the recipient's address, preferred delivery date, and any specific instructions or preferences you have for the gifts.
3. Include your contact information, including your name, email address, and phone number, so we can keep you updated on the delivery status and address any questions or concerns you may have.
4. Our dedicated team will promptly respond to your inquiry and assist you in selecting the perfect gifts for your loved ones.
5. Once all the details are confirmed, we'll ensure that your gifts are carefully packaged and swiftly delivered to the recipients in India at the specified time.
6. Throughout the process, we'll provide you with regular updates and tracking information so you can monitor the delivery status and ensure everything is on track.
7. Sit back, relax, and let us take care of the rest. With our efficient delivery services, you can rest assured that your gifts will reach your friends and relatives in India right on time, making their special occasions even more memorable.

Thank you for choosing indiaglobalconnect for your gift delivery needs. We look forward to helping you spread joy and happiness to your loved ones in India.